I have to keep reminding myself of this a LOT lately. I've been allowing myself to get super frustrated and worked up about all the things NOT happening the way that I want them too. I had quite the emotional cry fest this morning and allowed myself to wallow in self doubt and pity. When I finally got a hold of myself I realized that it was the best thing that could have happened. After my good cry, I had a whole new perspective and outlook on the situation at hand--MY FUTURE. I'm trying to stay positive...it's just so hard sometimes...BUT I am TRYING! I thank all my friends who listen to my woes on a daily basis whether it be via text, gchat, or phone convos. I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement! It's much needed most of the time! Back to the grind I go....

{If ONLY I were this stylish while sitting on my couch}
Also ELLEN really HELPS when your spirit is down!
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