I'm ashamed to admit this but I ran across this show last night... MOB WIVES...and I couldn't turn away. It was awful, I mean these women are RIDICULOUS and I can't believe they have their own show...but I couldn't stop watching the train wreck that was them having discussions with their significant others who are all in JAIL! I admit I love a good mob movie and have watched every episode of The Sopranos, but what I did learn from these Hollywood versions is the biggest CODE of the mafia is to NOT admit that it actually exists, which is interesting to me that these women have a national show where they talk about it all the time. I really don't get it. My favorite moment was when Karen {recently moved back to Staten Island and daughter of Sammy "The Bull" Gravano} and Drita D'Avanzo get in a big tiff over the fact that Drita is now married to Lee {who's in jail I might add} who was Karen's boyfriend for 7 years about 20 years ago. During this argument Karen talks about how they were raised on loyalty and how that was MOST important, which is so fascinating to me considering she's in the process of writing a book all about her childhood as a mob princess {lots of loyalty there} as well as staring on this show that breaks all codes of the organized crime doctrine.

I just can't believe this is a SHOW. Also there is Renee who is the daughter of Anthony Graziano who goes around telling everyone exactly who she is and how they need to "respect THAT." These women are so nuts. I can't even explain it. Please don't ever watch it because it's awful...but it's also so intriguing. I just love any kind of TV I guess.
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